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Overcoming Your Fears

Overcoming Your Fears | The Abilities
Overcoming Your Fears | The Abilities

On March 16, 2019, Reese posted a blog recording where he was featured on the Doug Dahlgren show. In that interview, Reese spoke to overcoming fears. He said, “There are three different theories on fear and conflict. The first is inevitability. Where the person will deal with situations as they arise. Another theory is avoidability. That is when people do not want to deal with the issue and the will avoid it at all costs. The third theory is the theory of creation of conflict. Some people believe that if they create conflict, it will create change. I believe there is a place and time for all three. Specifically to the person who avoids conflict and full of fear. My advice to you is – have no fear. Fear will stop you, fear will hault you from your goals in life. You need to face the fears, and figure out how to address and overcome them. And I know it is tough sometimes and challenging, but you need to figure out how to overcome to truly live.”


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