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Drive - The Abilities | J Reese Lasley

Drive - The Abilities | J Reese Lasley
To draw an analogy, faith, hope and love are like driving a vehicle. In order for that car to get to where it needs to go, you need to start the car, put it in gear and give it the energy source to move such a large mass. There are a lot of mechanisms that need to work together to get that car to move, but without the gas there is no movement, no power. As the car accelerates, more power is needed. There also are more risks and dangers along the way. You will face many dynamic forces. There are speed bumps, signs to different places, other people driving, weather and so forth. Life happens. You need to work with these things and use proper driving techniques to accomplish your goal. If you don’t have enough gas you won’t get there. You need to find the gas stations along the way to refuel your purpose and mission.

Ultimately, if you are able to keep driving, you get to where you want to go. When you look back you realize that love was the reason to go somewhere. Your faith and hope helped you figure it out. Without faith, hope and love, you wouldn’t have gotten there.

So, what drives you? What keeps you going? What got you going in the first place? What is your fuel, your source of power? What helps you overcome? Where are you going and why are you going there?


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What do your dreams consist of?

Dream Big | The Abilities J Reese Lasley

Dream Big | The Abilities J Reese Lasley
How big are your dreams? How far is your reach? How are you influencing your reality? How are you affecting your and others’ quality of life? What impression are you making on others? What are you improving? How are you helping? Is it worthwhile? Do you provide value? Are your dreams meaningful? What will you leave behind? How will people remember you? Do you consider yourself successful? Are you auspicious? What is your mark on the world? You need to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it and believe that you deserve it. Your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. Let your choices be driven by your hopes, not your fears; you should day-dream and not live in night-mares.


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Overcome the opposing forces

Overcome Adversity | J Reese Lasley - The Abilities

Overcome Adversity | J Reese Lasley - The AbilitiesOf the most admirable traits that anyone can have is the ability to overcome. Overcoming your fears, overcoming your pain, overcoming your weaknesses, overcoming your shortcomings. These make you stronger.

You have a choice to defeat adversity, or let adversity defeat you. You see, it is not the obstacle, or trial, or tribulation, or hardship, or setback, or challenge that determines your character. It’s how you handle it — and move forward — that determines your character.


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Create yourself

Create Yourself | The AbilitiesYour mindset determines your creative ability. Having an opportunistic mindset through envisioning will help you realize your resources and opportunity at hand. One thought can trigger a series of subsequent thoughts, culminating in a plethora of ideas. Thoughts become things. If your mind is in the right frequency to accept opportunity and you are constantly thinking positive thoughts about what you want, you are more likely to achieve whatever you are thinking about. This plays a huge part in the creative process.

It is amazing when people create, take action to execute their hopes and dreams, and strive for what they really want out of life. The people who actually take that chance are the ones finding their true potential. Those who don’t, just live to get by. If you live for purpose, however, you will be one of those who finds success.


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Be ethical

Everyone is different, everyone has unalike needs and everyone has their own intentions. Ethics come into play when directives, actions, beliefs or desires are not aligned with multiple parties. They also become apparent when there are multiple choices that one may have while weighing out opportunity costs or being pulled in multiple directions. Sometimes it is hard to align the stars when you have different perspectives on the universe.

Sometimes current circumstances lead to being unable to create ideal outcomes. While working together with other people, stakeholders and organizations, there may come a time when you find that you cannot serve all simultaneously. Sometimes you have to choose to act on behalf of one party or another. Sometimes you have to pick the lesser of several evils and yours or others’ idyllic model of “right” cannot be fulfilled due to less than ideal conditions and synergies.

The goal, obviously, is to always do what is good and positively contribute to others, but if you can’t, try and be creative to find solutions where you can. Most of the time, if you put in a little more research or talk to enough people with the right experience, you will find ways to act in good faith and make ethical decisions.


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Don’t live in falsity and lies

People have a hard time being humble, letting go of their pride and bringing their less than ideal situations or mistakes to the light. People sometimes choose to live in the dark, especially if a situation could inflict pain on another party. What’s ironic is that the reason people lie is because they don’t want to hurt others or themselves, but they fail to recognize that the deceit is actually worse than the inequity. People can respect and work with someone who is willing to admit the cold hard truth and work toward improvement. On the contrary, people have a much harder time giving mercy to the person who lives in the long, drawn out falsity of sin.

Sin derives sin — and it quickly compounds negativity. It is a ticking bomb and the longer the sin compounds, the more exponential the blast. This downward spiral has the ability to impale your livelihood. Don’t get caught in this turbulence. If you are in it, get out as fast as you can. This is where the devil thrives and attacks. His forte is understanding your weaknesses and making you believe lies.


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Everything in life is like a battery. It is all about how you look at things. Things can be positive or negative. Instead of focusing on your inabilities focus on your abilities. Your mindset has the potential to derive what you are looking for. Success is in the eye of the beholder.

Look at everything as an opportunity to grow. Don’t turn away from something because you don’t like it or don’t like doing it. Sometimes that is exactly what you need to grow.

Don’t get discouraged by the negators in life. Don’t let people or obstacles ever hold you back. Never let other people steal your dreams. Don’t listen to the noes – listen to the yeses. It is simply by virtue of trying that determines your growth.

I have been through many successes and also many disappointments in my life, but I never let the disappointments stop me. Success comes in cans, not in cannots.

There have been many amazing people in history who have heard many noes and failed many times, but it was the yes inside of them that made them successful, and even famous. Yeses are far stronger than all of the noes that can ever be offered.


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Free yourself

God gave you a choice. You have your own free will to make all the decisions in your life, so choose wisely.

There are a lot of great people in this world, but there are not very many truly good people. Ethics is the fine line between good and great. In this case, “good” takes the mantle of purity. What I mean by this, is that many people get what they want, but didn’t do the right thing to get it. If you do not feel good about your success when you attain it, then it’s not worth it. Strive to be good — and great. Do the right thing to achieve greatness.

Be a spirit of virtue. Virtue is defined as “behavior showing high moral standards.” While you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, develop your character through defending your stance on what you believe is right. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll stand for anything.


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Own your own survivorship

Survivorship is just like playing a game of chess. You think about all of your pieces on the board. Each one of these pieces can move in different ways and can affect your upcoming moves. You should always think at least five steps ahead of where you are going. This requires brainpower and a complex approach to decision making.

Just as in chess, you have to be careful with where you move, consider your opponent (or risk) from all angles, make your decision and then make your move. This forces you to think about yourself and your surroundings. This makes you run scenarios in your head in order to arrive at the best possible outcome.

Success is not easy. There is no exact path to success. It can be achieved in multiple different ways. The more you practice, though, the better you get at overcoming obstacles. Keep in mind that if you never try, you will never experience success.


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The pain is always there, but suffering is a choice

It is not the obstacle, or trial, or tribulation, or hardship, or setback, or challenge that determines your character. It’s how you handle it — and move forward — that determines your character.

It’s not always easy. No matter who you are, where you go or what you do, you will be faced with adversity at some juncture. You are only as good as the amount of adversity that you can handle.

Just keep in mind, that the pain is always there, but suffering is a choice.
