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Don’t play God.

Don't Play God | The Abilities

While success is great and wonderful, people don’t want to know how high and mighty you are. Don’t play God. You don’t know everything and you cannot see the future – and you shouldn’t act as though you do. People who boast about their success don’t achieve much with others – unless the boasting is used to help others. I.e. There is no gain from bragging about how great you are to folks who aren’t benefiting from your fruits. In fact, it turns people away from you because they assume you are arrogant. It is much better to approach success from a standpoint of gratitude, teaching, and serving. In other words, acknowledge the ones who helped you get there, and use your success to add value to others.

Let your light shine through your blessings, not your own self-aggrandizement. People can make up their own mind about your character without having you tell them who you think you are.

Instead, people prefer to know your struggles. They want to relate to you by understand your troubles, because they too have troubles. Everyone is dealing with an array of issues that they are trying to overcome. Speak to your challenges you had to conquer to achieve success and not about how your powerful actions led to success.

Success comes in many different shapes and sizes, and it isn’t always easily achieved. No matter how successful you are, success isn’t permanent, and neither is failure. While you go through the ups and downs of the success and failure cycle, keep your humbleness.


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Passing Joy

Passing Joy | The Abilities

Smile, and make people smile. That is the most important thing you can do. Just smile. A smile connotes happiness and joy. It is good and lightens the weight of the world. It creates positivity and peace.

Do you know someone in your life that needs to just smile? Someone who is knows the struggles of life too well. Someone with a lot going on and their reality seems to be dim. What can you do to brighten their lives? How can you pass joy to them to make them feel good?

It could be something as simple as a smile.


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What is Your Testimony?

What is Your Testimony | The Abilities

It’s time to show off your abilities and let your story be told! Submit your testimony today to

What is your story? Who are you and what have you been through? What are you currently experiencing? Have you overcome a huge challenge to get to an extraordinary place in life? Do you want to show others how much value your products or services can bring to their lives?

If you believe you have a story to tell that will add value to a great audience, then reach our to You can submit your testimony to be featured in this next book or be featured on a blog.


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Nature and Nurture

Nature vs. Nurture | The Abilities

Do you ever catch yourself thinking how similar you are to your parent or your colleagues? Do you ever stop to ask yourself why you are in the position you are in, reflect on who you are, or embrace where you have been?

You are a truly unique person with experiences unlike anyone else. Your makeup is complex, and you should know yourself well by now.

But who are you really, and why do you do what you do?

Nature and nurture is an age old debate explaining why people behave the way they do, whether it was what they were taught while growing up, or whether it is their natural ability.

While this debate is meaningful and well known, there is another variable in the debate. What if you are who you are because of your aspirations, your visions, and dreams? What if you are who you are because you spread your wings and created a new reality?

I call this nature, nurture, and “not me”. See, just because you were raised in an environment, or you are currently in a situation, that doesn’t mean you can’t choose, create, and change into who you want to be.

Think of yourself as an eagle. Eagles have a gift of vision. They have an advantage over other predators because they can see further. They can also soar higher than any other bird because of their wings. They spread their own wings and go where they want to go.
Truly majestic animals.

I defy you to defy gravity, and spread your own wings.


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Spread Your Wings

Spread your wings | The Abilities

What a magical moment – That moment when a baby bird finds its wings – The moment when freefalling turns to soaring – The moment when you experience that element of support in
your natural environment.

This is required to be able to explore. This is required to live your life to its
intended purpose.

See, the wings of the nurturer can only provide the necessities of life for so long. There will come a time when it is required of you to fly and find what you need.


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Unlock Your True Power

True Power | The Abilities
Unlock Your True Power | The Abilities

We all have our own version of living on the edge of adventure – saving the world from the ticking bomb of destruction – preventing the evils of the world from attacking our loved ones – revolutionizing humanity as we know it.

Sometimes our powers lay dormant under the mask of monotony, ego, self esteem, pride, current situations, mediocre thinking, or even just our day to day lives. So many people have the ability to add value onto the world, to live the life of impact, and create greatness.

But sometimes we just get stuck. Sometimes we need an awaking.

Well what if you could unlock your true power? What if you could tap into the superpowers you know you have? What does that actually take to reach your full potential and make a difference? Is it being challenged? Is it creating goals? Is it maintaining the high purpose? What is it that drives you to take action?

You need to investigate how to create that fire to your incredibly powerful potential. You know your talents, but how do you unleash them? You know your dreams, your passions, and your gifts. Tap into them, take heart, and try.


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Regrets | The Abilities

When you look back on your life, do you feel fulfilled, or regretful?

Regrets | The AbilitiesThere are probably a mix of both in your memories. But what exactly causes the regrets? The shame, or embarrassment? The unfulfilled dreams? The pain associated with the past event. The wishing of a different outcome? The poor decision that left a trail of disappointment? Why would anyone want to live with regrets? Regrets are nothing more than daunting, demotivating, and damaging thoughts that devour and destroy your happiness, desires and dreams.

There is nothing positive about regrets. Success is getting what you want. Failure is giving up – especially give up what you really want for what you want in the moment.

Regrets can come in many different forms, but the worst regret of all – is not trying. If you give up and don’t try your hardest, those are the regrets that haunt you forever. If you remember that you could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve had a positive outcome, but you chose to fail – You chose to not give 100%.

Therefore, learn from your regrets to never have those experiences again. But more importantly, always fight to get what you want in the moments when life gets tough. When leaves you with a decision to win or lose, choose to win. At least if you don’t get what you want, you can look back and know you tried your hardest to get it.


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Failure is a Predecessor to Success

Predecessor | The Abilities

Predecessor | The AbilitiesThere is a misconception about failure. People believe that failure is the opposite of success. However, contrary to popular belief, failure is actually a predecessor to success. The more failures you endure, the closer you get to your goal.

Everyone faces trials, tribulations, setbacks, hardships, and speedbumps in their life, but it is not the occurrence that determines their character. It is what they do with it and how they move forward that does. So, fail quick and fail forward.


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The journey of earning

Journey to Earning | The Abilities

Journey to Earning | The AbilitiesWhile it is a blessing to have someone there to help you along the way, or to receive an inheritance, or to win the lottery, there is something to be said about the person who started from nothing, or the person who didn’t just take the prize on the silver platter even though they could. The one who didn’t just take the easiest way. The person who actually earned their keep, and made it happen. The person who put in the work and faced the adversity. The one who stood up to the challenge, and got the A in life. That is the person who earned it, and really understands what it is worth. Who do you know in your life that lives up to that honor?
