While success is great and wonderful, people don’t want to know how high and mighty you are. Don’t play God. You don’t know everything and you cannot see the future – and you shouldn’t act as though you do. People who boast about their success don’t achieve much with others – unless the boasting is used to help others. I.e. There is no gain from bragging about how great you are to folks who aren’t benefiting from your fruits. In fact, it turns people away from you because they assume you are arrogant. It is much better to approach success from a standpoint of gratitude, teaching, and serving. In other words, acknowledge the ones who helped you get there, and use your success to add value to others.
Let your light shine through your blessings, not your own self-aggrandizement. People can make up their own mind about your character without having you tell them who you think you are.
Instead, people prefer to know your struggles. They want to relate to you by understand your troubles, because they too have troubles. Everyone is dealing with an array of issues that they are trying to overcome. Speak to your challenges you had to conquer to achieve success and not about how your powerful actions led to success.
Success comes in many different shapes and sizes, and it isn’t always easily achieved. No matter how successful you are, success isn’t permanent, and neither is failure. While you go through the ups and downs of the success and failure cycle, keep your humbleness.