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Regrets | The Abilities

When you look back on your life, do you feel fulfilled, or regretful?

Regrets | The AbilitiesThere are probably a mix of both in your memories. But what exactly causes the regrets? The shame, or embarrassment? The unfulfilled dreams? The pain associated with the past event. The wishing of a different outcome? The poor decision that left a trail of disappointment? Why would anyone want to live with regrets? Regrets are nothing more than daunting, demotivating, and damaging thoughts that devour and destroy your happiness, desires and dreams.

There is nothing positive about regrets. Success is getting what you want. Failure is giving up – especially give up what you really want for what you want in the moment.

Regrets can come in many different forms, but the worst regret of all – is not trying. If you give up and don’t try your hardest, those are the regrets that haunt you forever. If you remember that you could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve had a positive outcome, but you chose to fail – You chose to not give 100%.

Therefore, learn from your regrets to never have those experiences again. But more importantly, always fight to get what you want in the moments when life gets tough. When leaves you with a decision to win or lose, choose to win. At least if you don’t get what you want, you can look back and know you tried your hardest to get it.


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