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Perspective = Wisdom

Wisdom | The Abilities

Wisdom | The Abilities
It is impossible to align the stars with different telescopes on the universe. You have to look through the same lenses to see another’s reality. The one who can see many realities is the one who is wise. The wise are able to offer sage advice.

William Shakespeare wrote, “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” If you are wise, you will find yourself asking a lot of questions. This is because wisdom is relativity, and everything is relative. Everything has an impact and every impact has something to impact.

There is a lot of wisdom that derives from helping others. They say the best way to learn is to teach. The reason for this is because if you teach, you put yourself into the perspective of another. This helps you think like others and their motives by internalizing their consciousness. If you stay stuck in your own mental realm you will never be able to fully understand or reach others. You may not agree with everything they do and think about, but at least you have empathy and sympathy, enabling you to make rational decisions for the greater good.


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Here’s to the best of your abilities

Your Abilities | J Reese Lasley - The Abilities

Your Abilities | J Reese Lasley - The AbilitiesWhat are your implied abilities?

To set goals | To focus on what you want | To realize your purpose | To soul-seek | To find your reason why | To envision | To develop a passion | To see it through | To gain endurance | To remind | To cling on to what you want | To create | To have a positive mindset | To change | To take the journey | To start somewhere | To learn | To overcome fear | To be new | To adapt | To grow | To live | To experience | To build | To thrive | To chase your dreams | To find | To sustain | To measure | To manifest | To create | To manage risk | To risk | To chase | To weigh opportunity costs | To determine worth | To be smart | To measure | To find | To sustain | To think | To make a decision | To understand probability and impact | To choose | To take action | To do | To experience | To work | To have a mission | To create results | To manifest | To apply | To list | To fly | To determine precedence of priority | To earn | To understand worth | To honor | To appreciate | To understand why | To get to the next level | To be considerate | To be grateful | To be humble | To face adversity | To prepare | To handle conflict | To fight | To protect | To become stronger | To figure it out | To know worth | To retaliate | To solve | To build endurance | To overcome | To find integrity | To do the right thing | To trust | To sacrifice | To live up to your word | To uphold reputation | To under promise and over deliver | To take ownership | To set realistic expectations | To manage resources | To control | To accept what you cannot control | To coordinate | To get the job done | To think creatively | To realize external and internal abilities | To manage | To use | To communicate | To be competitive | To diversify | To mitigate risk | To hedge | To multiply | To be different | To win | To care | To unite | To work with | To leverage | To build relationships | To use strengths | To understand relativity | To help others get what they want in conjunction with what you want | To teach | To lead | To add value to others | To help others help you | To attain an EQ and an IQ | To leverage | To be an example | To give | To be mindful | To follow | To help | To be wise | To nurture | To lead | To understand ethics | To internalize other’s motives | To choose between the lesser of evils | To attempt to find constructive solutions for all stakeholders | To be true | To have high moral standards | To communicate | To attune to senses | To listen | To understand | To get a point across | To be clear and concise | To relate | To avoid failure | To find success | To try | To choose to win | To face trials and tribulations | To take a chance | To learn to set boundaries | To understand law, grace and mercy | To comprehend the results of sin | To know what is right and wrong | To feel good | To forgive | To give more chances | To not judge | To be just | To learn improvement and excellence | To advance | To progress | To do your best | To continually become better | To defeat the status quo | To break records | To retain information | To process information | To learn lessons | To portray faith, hope and love | To hunt | To seek | To pursue | To understand sozo | To have best intentions | To be pure | To see the light | To have positive expectations | To continue | To retain | To agree | To find balance & health | To keep things in perspective | To work on multiple goals simultaneously | To build a foundation | To not burn out | To have priorities | To be well-rounded | To be healthy | To not impede | To live in moderation | To know your limits | To get what you want without giving something up | To get your reward | To be successful | To accomplish | To achieve | To get what you want | To celebrate | To feel proud | To continue the journey | To build upon your success | To give back | To reproduce | To re-create | To produce fruit | To have mission and purpose | To recycle | To support life | To reciprocate | To choose a recipient | To teach | To testify | To leave an impact | To be a legacy | To make memories | To not burden | To continue blessings | To make a positive difference | To affect | To leave your mark


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Drive - The Abilities | J Reese Lasley

Drive - The Abilities | J Reese Lasley
To draw an analogy, faith, hope and love are like driving a vehicle. In order for that car to get to where it needs to go, you need to start the car, put it in gear and give it the energy source to move such a large mass. There are a lot of mechanisms that need to work together to get that car to move, but without the gas there is no movement, no power. As the car accelerates, more power is needed. There also are more risks and dangers along the way. You will face many dynamic forces. There are speed bumps, signs to different places, other people driving, weather and so forth. Life happens. You need to work with these things and use proper driving techniques to accomplish your goal. If you don’t have enough gas you won’t get there. You need to find the gas stations along the way to refuel your purpose and mission.

Ultimately, if you are able to keep driving, you get to where you want to go. When you look back you realize that love was the reason to go somewhere. Your faith and hope helped you figure it out. Without faith, hope and love, you wouldn’t have gotten there.

So, what drives you? What keeps you going? What got you going in the first place? What is your fuel, your source of power? What helps you overcome? Where are you going and why are you going there?


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You are…

You-are-able | The Abilities J Reese Lasley

You-are-able | The Abilities J Reese LasleyYou are incredible.
You are the master of your intention.
You are the person who can carry your mission and vision to fruition.
You are the one who can make the choice to grow and to live life to the fullest.
You are paid in direct proportion to the amount of peoples’ lives you affect — and not in money alone, but also in blessings.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are leaving an imprint. Your footprints are leaving a trail of your character and your fingerprints are presenting their own unique appeal.
All that you can strive for is that you are thought of highly, your reputation is honorable and your application continues.
If the system or memories you made continue to bring blessings, even after you are gone, then you have accomplished something extraordinary.
You are leaving a mark.
You matter, and you are ABLE.


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Reese Lasley Featured at Bookwise

Join me at Bookwise this Thursday, May 3, as I facilitate “Conversations about Love and Relationships” and as I kick off the event with a preview into my book The Abilities.

Date: Thursday May 3, 2018
Time: 6:00 to 9:00pm MST
Location: The Studio Denver, 4950 Washington St., Denver, CO 80216
Event Flier: Download the Event Flier
Tickets: $12 on


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What do your dreams consist of?

Dream Big | The Abilities J Reese Lasley

Dream Big | The Abilities J Reese Lasley
How big are your dreams? How far is your reach? How are you influencing your reality? How are you affecting your and others’ quality of life? What impression are you making on others? What are you improving? How are you helping? Is it worthwhile? Do you provide value? Are your dreams meaningful? What will you leave behind? How will people remember you? Do you consider yourself successful? Are you auspicious? What is your mark on the world? You need to believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it and believe that you deserve it. Your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. Let your choices be driven by your hopes, not your fears; you should day-dream and not live in night-mares.


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Overcome the opposing forces

Overcome Adversity | J Reese Lasley - The Abilities

Overcome Adversity | J Reese Lasley - The AbilitiesOf the most admirable traits that anyone can have is the ability to overcome. Overcoming your fears, overcoming your pain, overcoming your weaknesses, overcoming your shortcomings. These make you stronger.

You have a choice to defeat adversity, or let adversity defeat you. You see, it is not the obstacle, or trial, or tribulation, or hardship, or setback, or challenge that determines your character. It’s how you handle it — and move forward — that determines your character.


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Create yourself

Create Yourself | The AbilitiesYour mindset determines your creative ability. Having an opportunistic mindset through envisioning will help you realize your resources and opportunity at hand. One thought can trigger a series of subsequent thoughts, culminating in a plethora of ideas. Thoughts become things. If your mind is in the right frequency to accept opportunity and you are constantly thinking positive thoughts about what you want, you are more likely to achieve whatever you are thinking about. This plays a huge part in the creative process.

It is amazing when people create, take action to execute their hopes and dreams, and strive for what they really want out of life. The people who actually take that chance are the ones finding their true potential. Those who don’t, just live to get by. If you live for purpose, however, you will be one of those who finds success.
