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There is a lot that goes into an excellent quality of life.

There is a lot that goes into an excellent quality of life. Throughout your journey of achieving what you want, you need to be able to keep things in perspective. Life is complex and you may have many aspirations you are working toward simultaneously, some of which could conflict with each other.

Imagine your quality of life as an upside down triangle. This triangle is balancing on a foundation of your means of life that you have built. Your life includes qualities such as those that are spiritual, physical, physiological, sociological, emotional and financial. Your foundation is made up of all the “bricks of life”, such as family, friends, animals, work, your home, your career, your transportation, your potential, and other factors important to you. Your foundation must be a system of stability or else your quality of life will lose balance and fall. All the bricks must be placed and adhered together delicately in the system. If one of them cracks or falls out of place, the things that matter the most could be at risk.


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