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Communication | The Abilities, J Reese Lasley

Communication | The Abilities, J Reese LasleyCommunication is the most important word in our known language. The ability to communicate is imperative. If we cannot communicate, we cannot exist. All living creatures have their own filters by which they interact. This can make communicating a blessing, or a curse. We must attune into our own and other’s senses, and use them to the best or our abilities to communicate effectually.

Our human consciousness of touch, taste, feelings, sight, hearing, thinking, smelling, and doing are the means to a purposeful life. These are all traits, learned and/or instinctual, which are essential to relationships, leadership, and your effectiveness. It is noteworthy here, that everyone is different and sees the world separately.

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The journey of earning

Journey to Earning | The Abilities

Journey to Earning | The AbilitiesWhile it is a blessing to have someone there to help you along the way, or to receive an inheritance, or to win the lottery, there is something to be said about the person who started from nothing, or the person who didn’t just take the prize on the silver platter even though they could. The one who didn’t just take the easiest way. The person who actually earned their keep, and made it happen. The person who put in the work and faced the adversity. The one who stood up to the challenge, and got the A in life. That is the person who earned it, and really understands what it is worth. Who do you know in your life that lives up to that honor?


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What fruit do you bear?

What fruit do you bear? | The AbilitiesI ask you, what fruit do you bear, and how are you identified by it? How do you contribute value into the world? How can you (and do you) give back?

See, fruits and blessings have given you the ability of purpose, of which the world (and also you) can benefit from.

There are many different types of fruits. Different fruits offer different blessings, and every-one is unique. Fruits are gifts, and gifts are wonderful. Gifts are positive. They are recognized by peace, happiness, growth, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, etc.

So again, what fruit do you bear, and how are you identified by it?


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YOU hold the abilities to achieve success

You Hold the Abilities - J Reese Lasley


There are many definitions, insights and interpretations of success; People place different perceptions on what they believe success means. E.g. money, quality time, happiness, helping others, a good job, roles, family, heaven, health, a big house, a nice car, friends, etc.

Success, in its fundamental construal, is simple. It is really just getting what you want.

The problem is, is that many people don’t really know what they want, and if people do know what they want, they don’t know why they want it, how to get it, or even believe that they can have it.
This book defines the abilities to help you get what you want, from desire to legacy.


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The Sin Tornado

Sin Tornado
  • Sin TornadoSin derives sin — and it quickly compounds negativity. It is a ticking bomb and the longer the sin compounds, the more exponential the blast. This downward spiral has the ability to impale your livelihood. Don’t get caught in this turbulence. If you are in it, get out as fast as you can. This is where the devil thrives and attacks. His forte is understanding your weaknesses and making you believe lies.
  • Sin is very deceiving. It actually creates more sin and causes a downward spiral. This is no way to live! We must charge forward with defeating these evils. We must nip these events and feelings in the bud before they become irrevocable disasters.
  • Sin can beget sin. Sin also can paradoxically create blessings if people can overcome the sin. Fighting fire with fire may not always be the best solution. It is very easy to get caught up in a downward spiral of sin and negativity. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go of your pride, turn the other cheek and choose to be positive.


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A barren desert is to a meandering river as stagnation is to excellence.

Desert to River as stagnation to excellence | TheAbilities

Desert to River as stagnation to excellence | TheAbilitiesBeware of stagnation. If you stop moving, absorbing, flowing and thirsting, you will become lifeless. The essence of a good quality of life is newness, production and cultivation.

The pursuit of excellence is constant, living and dynamic, and there is always room for improvement. There is no ceiling in the room for improvement; it is endless. Whether you are recognizing your need to change because you are experiencing conflict, or if you are the greatest in the world at what you do, there are always areas to advance and progress. Set forth the expectation of yourself to always continue to learn and grow.


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Who are you?

Who Are You? | TheAbilities

Who Are You?Who are you, really? What do you really, really, really, really, really, really want? REALLY! Define it. What drives you? What is your purpose? What makes you, you? What impact do you want to leave? How do you want people to think of you? How do you want to think of yourself? What makes you happy? What do you like to do? What is your passion? What are your fears? How do you want to contribute to society? How do you want to change the world? How can you affect the greatest number of people in the greatest way? Why do you do what you do now?

Who – Are – You?


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Excusitus – The Worst Disease Known to Mankind

Excusitus-disease | TheAbilities

Excusitus-diseaseThe worst disease known to mankind is “excusitus.” Excusitus is where someone places blame on anything and everything, and anyone and everyone else, instead of accepting fault and figuring out how they can grow from it. Internalizing the issue and figuring out what you can do to make the situation better to personally improve is always the better route.
