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Isolation’s Cause

Isolation's Cause | The Abilities

Stop living a life of isolation when you reach your fears. It’s not healthy. You’d actually be surprised with how many people have been through what you’ve been through. Your sins and struggles are very real, but so are so many others’. Everyone needs help in some point in their life to get through their hardships.

It is our human nature to coexist with others. People need to feel as though they are connected to others. People that become ashamed, isolate themselves. They prevent others from getting to know who they really are and put up a wall of fake realities to try to make it appear as though everything is okay. Well nobody promised you the rose garden didn’t have thorns. It is not all perfect. Accept that and stop living a lie.

We can’t stop the beast, but what we can do, is stop hiding. Everyone has something going on in his or her life. Everyone has a story to tell.

So much more pain just comes with hiding your sin, rather than facing it boldly, being honest to yourself and others, and overcoming your withholdings. See, sin can beget sin. Sin also can paradoxically create blessings if people can overcome the sin. It is very easy to get caught up in a downward spiral of sin and negativity. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go of your pride, turn the other cheek and choose to be positive.

However most people fear vulnerability – because if people really knew who they were, they wouldn’t be accepted.

Well that may be true is some cases, but what is important is finding the people in your life that you can lean into and trust. Find the people that can be a sounding board and lend a hand when you need it and not turn back around and use it against you (and vice versa).

Therefore, you need to be real with yourself and others. You need to be able to protect yourself and do your best to protect others as well. Treat people as you wish to be treated. This is the Golden Rule. If everyone could stick to that, the world would be a better place. However, people are different, people don’t always have a common purpose and people have different timelines. Working together can be a blessing and a curse. Either way, we have to stop living a lie.


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